Ghulam-E-Musthafa is a 1997 Bollywood Crime Action Drama film directed by Partho Ghosh. At the command of Mahesh Verma, Abba recruits Ghulam-E-Musthafa, a gangster and hit-man to carry out their criminal activities. When Dayanand Dixit refuses to sell his property to Verma, Ghulam is asked to move into their house, live with them, and force them to leave. Dayanand and his wife, Bhagyalaxmi, are shocked at this and cannot accept a Muslim male to live with them and eat from their utensils. Faced with this and various other obstacles, the Dixit family must now compromise with Ghulam and his masters or else be shunned by the rest of the community. Watch this movie to know what the plot eventually culminates to.